Neapolitan Pizza

About our pizzas

We make Neapolitan pizzas the traditional way. All our dough is kneaded by hand and bulk fermented for a reasonable long time in order for the taste to develop fully. Thereafter the dough is formed by hand in dough balls which will become the Neapolitan pizza base.


It is pointless to put so much effort into the dough just to neglect the rest of the pizza making process. Therefore we take care to only use top quality ingredients for our sauce and pizza toppings. 

Our frozen pizzas

Freshly baked pizzas

The pizza gets baked in a wood fired oven so that you can experience all the lovely tastes of a wood fired pizza. Now we rapidly cool the pizza and freezes it. 


When the time is right, just pop it in your home oven and enjoy a freshly baked steaming hot Neapolitan pizza in the comfort of your own home.

Come and enjoy our freshly baked pizzas at the following outlets.

Restaurant @ Paardevlei, Somerset West

Paardevlei Rising 3

8 Gardner Williams Ave


Somerset West


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